It's funny how work comes to you in the voice over world. It was a hell hot Sunday afternoon here in the San Francisco Bay Area as I was scrolling through classifieds on Craigslist at home when a post came up under "Creative" for a narrator job, and some voice imitations of big, bad, mob voices. Many of us grew up on "Grand Theft Auto" a wildly popular game with all its violence and heavy gun shooting action. Believe it or not, over the years I've landed a few decent paying voice over jobs off of Craigslist; a few... not many. I decided to submit an audition to the San Francisco producer. In a very short period of time, he emailed me back and said he'd like to hire me as the narrator of this episode (not NY mob voice) he had created. I said "yes" and he emailed me at least 5 pages of script. I stepped in my booth and voiced copy he had highlighted. As usual, I did not see the video beforehand. I just recorded with my instincts and sent the audio files to him. I was quite surprised to see the finished production with my narration when he sent me a link to watch it. It's on You Tube, and from what I can see, fans of that series were thrilled with it. Over 64,000 views so far.
Here's a link to the episode I did voice over for. It runs about 13 minutes. WARNING: The content is extremely violent. If that offends you, please don't watch it. Some might be critical of me for being involved with something so violent. Truth be known, I took this voice job on because it was very different than anything I would normally do. And I like a good challenge.
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